Administration Management

Celal Beysel
Chairman of the Board
He has over 40 years of experience in rotational molding. Thanks to all this experience, he was selected to the "Hall of Fame" by the World Rotational Molders Association (ARM) in the United States in 2018. Nowadays, he spends most of his time on R&D.
International Award to Floteks Chairman of the Board

Tuğrul Karasarlıoğlu
Board member and R&D Coordinator
He follows funding opportunities provided by organizations such as the European Union, TÜBİTAK and KOSGEB, and is responsible for project preparation, proposals, implementation and technical and financial reporting. He carries out relations with project partners in other countries and the European Union. He monitors and coordinates Floteks's general R&D activities as well as the certification of industrial property rights that may arise.
International Award to Floteks Chairman of the Board

Our company has crowned its 40 years of hard work with rotational molding with an international award it has received.
Celal Beysel, the chairman of the board of our company, was elected to the Hall of Fame by the International Association of Rotational Molders (ARM). ARM, the umbrella organization of rotational associations all over the world, chooses one person each year to the Hall of Fame for their contribution to rotational molding. Celal Beysel, who received this award at the annual meeting held in Chicago in 2018, also gave a speech about his 35 years of dealing with rotational molding. More information about the ARM and the Hall of Fame award can be found on the ARM website: