Floteks, with 40 years of rotational molding experience, serves as a strategic partner to its customers in automotive and other sectors.
Since 1978 FLOTEKS has managed to become a reliable partner for its customers. Our company has grown into a top supplier within the automotive industry, producing difficult parts with a wide range of raw materials.
Floteks, with 40 years of rotational molding experience, serves as a strategic partner to its customers in automotive and other sectors.
Transferring the advantages of manufacturing with rotational molding technology, Floteks makes great contributions for any new vehicle projects with excellent project management and product development. Floteks produces rotational molds that with high efficiency and quality. With its international supply and distribution network, it ensures unrivaled customer satisfaction by delivering system parts to production lines right on time.
Floplast is a company established in Gemlik Free Zone, which produces hygienic , recyclable transport pallets and containers with rotational molding, especially serving to the food industry. South Africa Alpal licensed multipurpose transport pallets are also among the product range and have an important place in exports. It also offers customer-specific, project-based solutions.
Designs and manufactures molds for all markets of rotational molding technology, using aluminum casting and aluminum block machining techniques. Molds are exported USA, Germany, Israel, India, etc.
By providing innovative contributions to the construction sector, Floteks has been producing products such as manholes, observation rooms, garbage containers, counter rooms and manhole covers since 2008. All of the products are designed and produced in accordance with legal obligations within the scope of TS EN 13598 certificate. It develops and produces special products focused on customer needs.